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Michaelbrent Collings Pen name Angelica Hart Language English Genres Horror, science fiction, romance Years active 2010 – present Relatives Michael R. Collings Website writteninsomnia Michaelbrent Collings is an American horror novelist. He wrote the screenplays for two horror films: Barricade (2012) and Darkroom (2013). He has self-published many novels, with two of his novels being finalists for the Bram Stoker Award in 2016, and two being finalists for the Whitney Awards in 2014 and 2017. Writing [ edit] Collings grew up writing from an early age. His father, Michael R. Collings, taught creative writing professionally and taught Michaelbrent how to write creatively. [1] He attended Pepperdine University, where his father taught. [2] After being rejected by traditional publishers, Collings self-published Run on Amazon in 2010, where it became a bestselling e-book in multiple genres, despite Collings not marketing the book. His subsequent novels were not as successful, but Collings persisted and was able to support his family after publishing over twenty books.

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