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Instalando Um Split Passo A Passo

  1. Instalando um split passo a passo

Share th e PIII. \'t'r's GuidI'arou nd the table as you u nder takethe advent u re. That's what it's de signed for. Refer to it asa rlen as you wish- the knowledge in thi s book migh t saveyour charac ter' s life! CREATING A CHARACIERYou an d you r fri ends begin your adventure s in the Valle yof O bel isks, a r ugged land o n the fro n tier o f civiliza tion you gene rate a new Isr-level cha racter. co nsi der the fol-lowin g po in ts. The Valley of O bel isks is a big p lace. Even a fasr r iderwoul d take d ays to travel its len g th by road, Thus, ne arl yany character you can imag ine can be from here. Don 't beshy abou t tr y ing an u nu sual combination or cla ss and race, or a type of cha racter new to YOli. Your Dungeo n Maste r has all sorts of advent urematcria they requ ire a reaso nably cohe sive cast of charac ters tospring ro life. Discu ss with you r fr iends wh at ki nd ofchar-ac ter you're making. That way, you make su re you've go tthe basics covered-c-someone who can heal, so meone whoca n figh t, someo ne who is sk ille d with arca ne mag ic, andso me one who ca n de al w ith traps.

Instalando um split passo a passo

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