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Smart News Keeping you current The Repository for Germinal Choice was supposed to produce super-kids from the sperm of white high achievers The sperm in the Repository for Germinal Choice was intended to create ideal children, but for some prospective parents, it just offered them control over the process of having a child. (Pixabay) June 9, 2017 Robert Klark Graham made millions with shatterproof lenses for eyeglasses and contact lenses. But he didn't stop there. Graham, born on this day in 1906, went on to found the Repository for Germinal Choice, a sperm bank that was supposed to produce "super-kids" from the sperm of (white) high achievers, like Nobel Prize winners. This unprecedented attempt at controlling reproduction was quickly shunned by the broader public, but it helped to change the business of sperm donation in ways that continue to raise questions. The Repository was opened in 1979 in Escondido, California, according to Lawrence Van Gelder for The New York Times. Among Graham's donors were three Nobel laureates.

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SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA DE ESPAÑOL Fecha: Del 16 al 20 de Abril de 2012 | Grado y grupo:1º "C" | Enfoque:Prácticas sociales del lenguaje | Competencia:Lingüística y comunicativa | Ámbito:Literatura | Bloque:V | Nombre del proyecto: Editar un cancionero | Propósitos del proyecto: Armar un libro con las canciones que conoces, que te gustan o que cantaste durante el ciclo escolar |Aprendizajes esperados | Temas de reflexión | * Identifica la rima y la repetición de palabras, frases u oraciones. * Identifica las letras pertinentes para escribir frases. * Establece correspondencia entre partes de escritura y segmentos de oralidad al tratar de leer frases y oraciones. * Adapta el lenguaje para escribir. | * Correspondencia entre partes escritas de un texto y partesorales. * Correspondencia entre unidades grafofonéticas. * Valor sonoro convencional. * Estructura de las canciones (verso, rima y estribillo). | TIPOS DE SABERES | Declarativo (Conceptual o factual) | Procedimental | Actitudinal | * Concepto de cancionero.

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Details Last Updated: 25 November 2020 What is Photoshop? Photoshop is a photo editing and raster graphic design software which allows users to create, edit, and manipulate various graphics as well as digital art. It also allows to create and edit raster images with multiple layers and import the images in various file formats. Photoshop is developed by Adobe Systems for both Windows and MacOS. This is a photoshop basics for designers in the latest version of adobe photoshop CC with Guru99. We are going to cover Introduction to Photoshop and a lot of features which are commonly used by each and every designers to create some composites or any design or to make any illustrations or even just doing some simple retouching on Photoshop latest version. So we are going to cover some most common features like workspace, layers, smart objects, blend modes, selections techniques, filters and much more Photoshop basics and necessary features that every designers use to work on photoshop. Adobe Photoshop Version History Photoshop was created in 1988 by Thomas Knoll and John Knoll and the official distribution license of the program was purchased by Adobe Systems.

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LETRA 'Casi sin querer' Casi sin querer nací casi sin querer crecí, casi sin querer te conocí. Me gustó tu risa fresca ninho grandulón y tu manera de mirar... Fué dificil respirar empecé a temblar y casi sin querer te besé... Casi sin querer me río, casi sin querer te extranho, casi sin querer me enamoré de este oso carinhoso ninho grandulón que sin querer tambien me amó, y me "shena" de caricias sin la obligación de prometerle eterno amor. y me "shena" de caricias sin la obligación de prometerle eterno amor. Casi sin querer se olvida, casi sin querer se pierde, casi sin querer se va el amor. Por eso te estoy queriendo casi sin querer jurarte eterno amor no se, no se, no se... Tal vez algún día nos sorprenda la vejéz muy juntos casi sin querer... Tal vez algún día nos sorprenda la vejéz muy juntos casi sin querer...

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( TNG: " Encounter at Farpoint ") The deflector dish weapon used against the Borg by the USS Enterprise -D in 2367 required the entire forward half of the secondary hull to be evacuated due to radiation danger. ( TNG: " The Best of Both Worlds ") Some Federation starship classes that lacked a secondary hull included the Freedom -class, Miranda -class, Akira -class, and Defiant -class. Several duranium alloy fragments of the IKS Toh'Kaht 's secondary hull survived its destruction near Deep Space 9 in 2369. ( DS9: " Dramatis Personae ") In an alternate timeline, debris from the secondary hull of the USS Voyager was found in the 29th century following a temporal explosion which obliterated the Sol system and Earth. ( VOY: " Future's End ")

Hay una historia de fondo de genuino interés, tejida con habilidad en la trama principal". Diecisiete críticas de cinco estrellas en en el último recuento.

Something went wrong, but don't fret — let's give it another shot.