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Warhammer Army Roster Sheet


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Army roster

When most of us in the UK imagine a puffin, we think of the Atlantic Puffin, but there are actually several species, each with their own quirky and majestic looks. Our Atlantic puffin is the smallest and looks fairly similar to the Horned Puffin, which breeds along the Alaska-British Columbia border. The easiest way to tell the two apart is by their beaks. The Atlantic Puffin's beak is orangey-red with a blue or grey triangle and white stripes, while the Horned Puffin's beak is mostly a yellowy-ivory colour with an orange tip. The easiest way to tell puffins apart is by their beaks. The Atlantic Puffin's beak is orangey-red with a blue or grey triangle and white stripes, while the Horned Puffin's beak is mostly a yellowy-ivory colour with an orange tip. The Tufted Puffin swaps the often forlorn, sad look of the Atlantic Puffin for a disgruntled, wizened look. Its eyes aren't ringed with black, and its plumage is less white on its face, so it is a darker bird with a shock of bold, yellow feathers down its neck.

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